Here’s a look at our top 5 social media posts for the week of May 16th to May 24th, 2016.
1) All this grandma wants to do, is be able to connect with her grandchildren
who have moved all around the world. She is introduced to the internet in
this heartwarming introduction to the internet.
2) Help us eliminate ageism! Tell us what your #generation is really like.
#cyberseniors #cyberteens
3) Retirees who play video games might start beating your top scores.
Watch this grandma dominate in #mindcraft n minecraft inspired
4) This granny will kick your butt in a #RapBattle. Watch her throw down
about her #OG teeth.
5) A #CyberSeniors Graduation selfie w/ the BGCGW & LeVar A. Jones.
BIG thx to Mentor Up & AARP Foundation 4 making it happen!