Hi everyone,
National Grandparents day is quickly approaching, in fact it’s only a few weeks away! How are you going to celebrate on September 7th?
We have a few ideas for you! Why not host a national grandparents day event in your community. Use it as an opportunity to get started on a Cyber-Seniors program in your community. Here are some event ideas…
Host a Cyber-Seniors screening. This is a sure fire way to get interest rumbling in your community, invite your friends and family and encourage everyone to bring along their grandparents. This is a great start to connecting generations in your community. Either request a screening or (if you belong to a school or institution) pre-order the education version of the film, which includes a 3-Disc set, and a discussion and activity guide.
Another way you can celebrate the day is to go into a retirement home, local community centre or library and present the Cyber-Seniors program to them. Just go to our website download our customizable PowerPoint presentation and Videos and get ready to give a great presentation. There are also Training Manuals available for free download!
The Cyber-Seniors Documentary Team