Documentary chronicles the extraordinary journey of a group of seniors and their teenage mentors as they discover the world of the Internet with the guidance of their youthful teachers. The new feature film premiers at the AARP Life@50+ Boston event ( on Thursday, May 8th.
Boston – The documentary feature film “Cyber Seniors,” which takes a candid and humorous look at the victories and challenges seniors face as they go on line, premiers at the AARP Life@50+ Boston event ( on Thursday, May 8th. The feature film follows the collaboration of seniors and their teenage guides as they learn about the Internet, enabling them to engage with the world around them in a new way.
Event based theatrical distribution company Area 23a and Best Part, Inc., the filmmakers behind the new documentary, have teamed with the Mentor Up program from the AARP Foundation for a nationwide impact tour aimed at providing older adults with the tools needed to connect with family and friends via the Internet.
The film illustrates some of the core components of Mentor Up, to encourage younger generations through volunteerism and community service to help people 50 and over who are struggling to navigate the Internet.
“The reverse mentoring effort, Mentor Up draws on the digital savvy knowledge and ‘can do spirit’ of a younger generation to enhance the lives of older adults through technology literacy and the creation of meaningful relationships,” said Lisa Marsh Ryerson, AARP Foundation president.
Details of the collaboration with Mentor Up will be highlighted at Life@50+Boston on May 8th when the film’s director, Saffron Cassaday, screens Cyber Seniors. Following the premiere in Boston, the film will roll out as a key part of the program for a nationwide city tour that will involve local AARP state offices.
“The idea for Cyber-Seniors began after my sisters and I witnessed how the Internet changed my grandparents’ lives and deepened our relationships with them,” said Cassaday. “So we were inspired to help get other seniors online and began tagging along and filming their computer lessons. From behind the camera, I saw a great story unfold as new friendships developed and new ways of connecting were discovered as generations came together to bridge the technology gap.”
More information about the film and Mentor Up can be found at or on Facebook at Visit the Mentor Up web site
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