RANCHO CUCAMONGA >> Seniors and youth gathered at the James L. Brulte Senior Center/Central Park last week for a documentary presentation co-sponsored by the city and the Rancho Cucamonga Service Council in conjunction with National Senior Center Month.
The event kicked off a new program — Cyber Seniors — that the Senior Center and Service Council hope will be utilized by older citizens in their quest to use social media in communicating with family and friends.
The video showed how young people can teach and interact with older citizens by sharing their knowledge of the variety of social media genres on the Internet.
“This was a great inspiring movie. The students attending tonight that will be volunteering are first generation technology users. What could be better than to have fluent native techno-users teach what they know best by connecting with seniors,” commented Margaux Cruz, 7th-grade teacher and co-adviser for the Cyber Senior Club at Alta Loma Junior High.
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