September Edition of Best Practice Sharing Webinar feat. Kristin Judge, Director of Special Projects at the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA)

Be sure to tune in Monday, September 28th at 1 p.m. EST as we host the third edition of our Best Practice Sharing Webinar series featuring a Cyber-Seniors partner as they share case studies, tips and lessons learned from their experience setting up and successfully implementing a community or national initiative. This month, Kristin Judge, director of special projects at the National Cyber Security Alliance will walk attendees through online safety tips and best practices to use when guiding older adults through using the Internet.

You can read more about the National Cyber Security Alliance and Kristin in the summary below:

The National Cyber Security Alliance’s (NCSA) mission is to educate and empower digital citizens to use the Internet and connected devices safely and securely wherever they are and understand ways to navigate privacy in a fully connected world.

Kristin served as a Washtenaw County Commissioner Michigan As a commissioner, a passion for collaboration and security drove her to create a cyber coalition and IT working group for southeast Michigan.

After elected office, Kristin worked at the Center for Internet Security. She focused on connecting state and local governments to federal services and products needed to improve cyber security, briefing elected officials on the importance of protecting cyber infrastructure, and speaking across the country to groups of 50-500+.

As Dir. of Special Projects at the National Cyber Security Alliance, Kristin works with Google, FTC, Better Business Bureau, congressional leaders and other key stakeholders to educate consumers and businesses how to be safer and more secure online.

We hope you’ll join us on September 28th for what we’re sure will be an enjoyable and educational exchange of knowledge! You can find the Webinar login details here:

We hope to see you then!

– The Cyber-Seniors Team