| on July 18th, 2014 |Photo credit: Janet Donovan
“I was raised by my grandparents,” Barrett Goldberg told Hollywood on the Potomac. “I’ve always had a connection to an older generation. I actually feel more comfortable around older people. When I’m working with older people, I see my grandparents.” Goldberg is one of a group of young people who are part of team Mentor Up who help older adults stay connected and adjust to the many challenges they face in today’s changing world.
Barrett Goldberg
Goldberg was part of the youth team that attended the screening of Cyber Seniors, a film by Saffron Cassady, shown at the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America, hosted by Project GOAL (Get Older Adults onLine).
“Project GOAL is working to promote the adoption of broadband services for older adults,” explained Executive Director Debra Berlyn. “One of the things that we find is that a number of older adults become isolated as they age and one thing that many people don’t realize is that a number of older adults live in rural communities. Being online is a great way for them to stay closer to other individuals – not only family members, but people they haven’t connected with for quite a long time. The internet can really bring them closer to others.”
Debra Berlyn
“Comcast is a founding partner in project GOAL,” Jackie Puente explained. As director of External Affairs for Comcast/NBC Universal, she was there to lend support to the screening. “We’ve been very supportive of broadband adoption initiatives. And that’s what’s so great – this film is really a pop culture phenomenon that draws people into something that is such an important issue.”
Jackie Puente
“A humorous and heartwarming documentary, Cyber-Seniors chronicles the extraordinary journey of older adults as they discover the Internet through the guidance of teenage mentors. Featuring a spirited and engaging cast, you will LOL as they encounter the obstacles and triumphs that we’re likely to have experienced ourselves.”
Read more here.