Interview: Cyber Seniors Director Saffron Cassaday – Presented by Girls on Film

Cyber-Seniors is a new documentary from first time director, Saffron Cassaday. Inspired by her grandparents, Cassaday’s sisters launched a program to teach retired seniors how to connect to the web. A group of young volunteers share their knowledge with quite a cast of characters, lead by Shura, an 88 year old retiree who thought it would be impossible to learn how to get online. Once she discovers YouTube, she creates a cooking video that garners quite a bit of attention. This inspires other residents and sparks a bit of friendly competition. Hilarity ensues, of course, but the heart of this documentary is in the cultivated relationships between the seniors and their young mentors.

Don’t miss the Q&A at the 7pm showing at Cinema Village in NYC!

We were fortunate enough to be able to sit down with Saffron Cassaday to learn a little more about the documentary.

Watch the full interview here.